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Clean Cooking

Clean cooking technologies, such as solar cookers and biomass cookstoves, are pivotal in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These technologies provide an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cooking methods.

Clean Cooking

Image credit: Zendure Power Station on Unsplash

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Example Companies

  • BioLite - Designs and manufactures clean energy products for cooking, charging, and lighting.
  • Envirofit - Creates clean cooking solutions, including biomass stoves.
  • EcoZoom - Develops and distributes clean cookstoves and solar lighting solutions.
  • Inyenyeri - Provides a clean cooking system using advanced biomass stoves and fuel pellets.
  • Solar Cookers International - Promotes solar cooking as a sustainable solution.


Clean cooking technologies are essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving public health. These technologies include solar cookers, improved biomass cookstoves, and biogas digesters, which provide eco-friendly alternatives to traditional cooking methods.

Critical Goal

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Cut the gas and oil used for heating and cooking by half by 2040

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Progress Made

Significant advancements have been made in clean cooking technologies, leading to increased adoption and reduced environmental impact:

  1. Key Technologies: Development of solar cookers, improved stoves, and biogas digesters.
  2. Applications: These technologies are widely used in developing nations, reducing reliance on wood and charcoal.
  3. Prominent Contributors: Organizations like the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, Sunfire, and EcoZoom are at the forefront.

Solutions by Sector

Solar Cooking

  • Solar Cookers: Devices that use sunlight to cook food, eliminating the need for fuel.
  • Portable Solar Ovens: Lightweight and portable solar ovens for outdoor cooking.
  • Community Solar Kitchens: Large-scale solar cooking solutions for community use.

Case Studies:

  1. Solar Cookers International: Promotes solar cooking as a sustainable solution, providing solar cookers to communities worldwide (Solar Cookers International).
  2. GoSun: Develops portable solar ovens that use sunlight to cook food efficiently (GoSun).
  3. Haines Solar Cookers: Provides affordable solar cookers for households in developing countries (Haines Solar Cookers).

Biomass Cookstoves

  • Improved Biomass Stoves: Efficient stoves that use less fuel and produce less smoke.
  • Pellet Stoves: Stoves that burn compressed biomass pellets for cleaner combustion.
  • Institutional Cookstoves: Large-scale stoves for schools and community kitchens.

Case Studies:

  1. Envirofit: Creates clean cooking solutions, including biomass stoves, to reduce indoor air pollution and deforestation (Envirofit).
  2. EcoZoom: Develops and distributes clean cookstoves and solar lighting solutions (EcoZoom).
  3. Inyenyeri: Provides a clean cooking system using advanced biomass stoves and fuel pellets (Inyenyeri).

Biogas Digesters

  • Household Biogas Systems: Small-scale digesters that convert organic waste into biogas for cooking.
  • Community Biogas Plants: Large-scale biogas plants that serve multiple households or institutions.
  • Biogas-Powered Cookstoves: Stoves designed to use biogas as a clean fuel source.

Case Studies:

  1. Provides biodigesters that convert organic waste into biogas and biofertilizer (
  2. HomeBiogas: Develops small-scale biogas systems for households and small farms (HomeBiogas).
  3. Biogas Engineering: Specializes in the design and construction of biogas plants (Biogas Engineering).

Lessons Learned

  1. Affordability & Accessibility: Technologies must be reasonably priced and available to the maximum number of users.
  2. Usability & Maintenance: The ease of using and maintaining the technology is essential.
  3. Training & Education: Users need proper training on operation and maintenance.
  4. Awareness Creation: Highlighting the environmental and health benefits of clean cooking is crucial.
  5. Successes & Failures: While there have been achievements like emission reduction and indoor air quality improvement, challenges like improper use and inaccessibility persist.

Challenges Ahead

  1. Scaling Concerns: The most significant hurdle is scaling up the adoption of these technologies.
  2. Barriers to Adoption: High costs, lack of awareness, limited access, and a dearth of trained professionals are major obstacles.
  3. Cultural Acceptance: Ensuring that clean cooking technologies are culturally accepted and integrated into daily life.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Building the necessary infrastructure to support widespread adoption.

Best Path Forward

  1. Research & Development: Focus on innovating cleaner and more efficient cooking methodologies.
  2. Promote Clean Fuels: Encourage the use of cleaner fuels like natural gas, propane, or electricity.
  3. Increase Efficiency: Design cookware and stoves that are fuel-efficient and emit fewer pollutants.
  4. Raising Awareness: Continuous advocacy and information dissemination are essential.
  5. Facilitate Access: Collaborate with governmental bodies and NGOs to provide financial incentives, making clean cooking technologies more accessible.
  6. Leading Organizations: The Clean Cookstoves Alliance, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, and WHO have been instrumental in this movement.

Image credit: Zendure Power Station on Unsplash