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457 total, from the UN Climate Technology Centre & Network 1


Carbon Fixation and Abatement

Fugitive emission control

  • Oil and gas flaring reduction
  • Coal mine methane
  • Natural gas pipeline leaking
  • Charcoal production

Carbon capture and storage

  • CO2 transport technologies
  • CO2 storage technologies
  • CO2 capture technologies

Inland water & maritime

  • Maritime freight
  • Maritime support systems


Land Transport

  • Traffic management
  • More efficient heavy duty vehicles
  • More efficient light duty vehicles
  • Modal shift from car to cycling
  • Modal shift from road to rail
  • Road pricing
  • Intelligent transport systems
  • Scrappage programmes
  • Transport Demand Management
  • Freight management
  • More efficient train system
  • Transit-oriented development
  • Bus Rapid Transit
  • Cable cars
  • Promotion of non-motorised transport
  • High-speed rail

Vehicle and fuel technologies

  • Compressed Natural Gas as fuel
  • Biogas as fuel
  • Advanced biofuels
  • Energy-efficient motors
  • Liquefied Natural Gas in trucks and cars
  • Electric vehicles
  • Regenerative braking
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas in transport
  • Fuel cells for mobile applications
  • Hybrid electric vehicles


  • Aviation support systems
  • Air cargo

Energy efficiency

Energy distribution

  • Hydrogen infrastructure
  • District heating and cooling
  • Micro-grid
  • Smart grid
  • Connection of isolated grid

Appliances and equipment

  • Water efficiency
  • Residential water heaters
  • LPG and LNG for household and commercial cooking
  • Lighting
  • Community-based energy services
  • Appliance standards
  • Efficient server and network technology
  • Improved cook stoves
  • Fuel cell technologies
  • Appliances
  • Water purification
  • Energy labelling
  • Water pumping


  • Sustainable design
  • Daylight harnessing
  • New building design
  • Insulation in buildings
  • Building envelope thermal insulation
  • Building materials
  • Building life cycle and integrated design process
  • Building standards and codes
  • Greening the built environment
  • Retrofitting of existing buildings
  • Building automation
  • Building Energy Management Systems
  • Carbon sink and low-carbon building materials
  • Heating - Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Design for Deconstruction
  • High performance building facades
  • Passive house design
  • Traditional building materials and design
  • Sustainable spatial planning
  • Cool roofs
  • Efficient air conditioning systems
  • Indirect evaporative cooling

Energy storage

  • Compressed air energy storage
  • Phase change materials for thermal energy storage
  • Capacitors
  • Batteries
  • Pumped hydroelectric energy storage
  • Flywheels
  • Superconducting magnetic energy storage
  • Underground thermal energy storage

Renewable energy


  • Solar cooking
  • Solar cooling and hybrid systems with heating and hot water
  • Solar towers (updraft)
  • Solar water purification
  • Building-integrated PV
  • Solar water pumps
  • Solar heating
  • Solar lamps
  • Solar PV
  • Solar thermal power
  • Solar dryer
  • Energy tower (downdraft)
  • Solar water heater

Renewable energy infrastructure

  • Hydrogen technologies
  • Off-grid systems
  • Fuel cells
  • Fuel cells for stationary applications
  • Renewable energy resource mapping
  • Grid integration for renewables


  • Run-of-river hydropower

Ocean energy

  • Osmotic power
  • Ocean thermal energy conversion
  • Wave energy
  • Tidal energy


  • On-shore wind
  • Building-integrated wind turbines
  • Offshore wind
  • Wind water pumping
  • Small-scale wind


  • Biofuels from algae
  • Switch from fossil fuel to biomass
  • Biogas for heating
  • Energy supply from waste
  • Biogas power
  • Biomass briquettes or pellets
  • Biomass for heating
  • Black liquor
  • Biomass power
  • Ethanol fuel
  • Biodiesel
  • Biodiesel from waste oil
  • Charcoal production for cooking and heating
  • Household biogas


  • Heat pumps
  • Geothermal electricity
  • Geothermal heating

Waste Management

Solid waste

  • Landfill aeration
  • Gasification of waste
  • Integrated solid waste management
  • Landfill biocovers
  • Landfill composting
  • Industrial solid waste
  • Municipal solid waste
  • Landfill gas power
  • Incineration of waste
  • Landfill gas flaring


  • Recycling of Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment
  • Glass recycling
  • Advanced paper recycling
  • Product component and materials recycling


  • Wastewater management systems
  • Aerobic wastewater treatment


Sustainable forest management

Mangroves conservation and rehabilitation

Forest management techniques for mitigation

Urban forestry


Soil carbon measurement

Carbon stock measurement, monitoring and verification


Biomass carbon measurement and monitoring

Grassland management


Demand efficiency

  • Minimizing food waste
  • Dietary changes


  • Crop varieties with enhanced carbon sequestration
  • Nutrient management: mycorrhiza
  • N2O reduction
  • Cropland management
  • Machinery
  • Mineral fertilizers
  • Irrigation
  • Rice cultivation
  • CH4 reduction
  • Soil management
  • Restoration of organic soils
  • Restoration of degraded lands
  • Organic agriculture
  • Reduction of energy use in traction
  • Field burning of agricultural residues
  • Precision agriculture
  • Conservation tillage
  • Peat carbon management
  • Biochar
  • Landscape multifunctionality
  • Cover crop technology
  • Manure coverage
  • Crop drying

Wetland management

Soil carbon measurement

Carbon stock measurement, monitoring and verification

Improvement of Agri-food processes

Livestock management

  • Manure management
  • Selective breeding via controlled mating
  • Methane emission mitigation of ruminants
  • Straw ammoniation and silage
  • Temperature regulation for livestock
  • Enteric fermentation
  • Livestock disease management
  • Grazing land management
  • Fodder banks
  • Climate tolerant livestock
  • Domestic manure
  • Pasture management
  • Livestock feed optimization

Biomass carbon measurement and monitoring



Mining & production

  • Non-ferrous metals
  • Reducing air and steam leaks
  • Blast furnace slag granulation
  • Direct casting for iron and steel sector
  • Coke dry quenching for iron and steel sector
  • Inert anode technology for Aluminum smelters
  • Iron & steel processing
  • Aluminum industry
  • Scrap preheating for iron and steel
  • Improved efficiency in mining and resource extraction
  • Smelt reduction for iron and steel sector
  • Advanced wet quenching for iron and steel sector

Fossil fuel shift

  • Oil to electricity
  • Oil to LPG
  • Fossil fuels to natural gas
  • New natural gas plant
  • Fuel switch in industry


  • Efficient brick kiln
  • Clinker replacement
  • CCS from cement production
  • Cement production
  • Cement heat
  • Glass production

Manufacturing industry

  • Machinery
  • Efficient supply chains
  • Mitigation in the textiles and leather industry
  • Industrial symbiosis
  • Electronic control systems
  • Eco-design
  • Wood products
  • Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry
  • Electronic devices
  • Bioplastics

Conventional power plant efficiency

  • Power plant rehabilitation
  • Stirling engine
  • Natural gas combined cycle plants
  • Integrated gasification combined-cycle
  • Single cycle to combined cycle power generation
  • Replacement of district heating boilers
  • Higher efficiency oil power
  • Higher efficiency steam boiler
  • Waste heat recovery
  • Trigeneration
  • Small-scale Combined Heat and Power
  • Large-scale Combined Heat and Power

Chemicals management

  • N2O reduction
  • Shift to coolants and refrigerants with lower GWP
  • SF6 reduction
  • Adipic acid
  • Biopolymer production for petrochemical sector
  • CH4 reduction
  • CO2 replacement
  • CO2 recycling
  • PFCs reduction
  • Carbon black
  • Ammonia
  • Nitric acid
  • NF3 reduction

Transport of raw fuels

  • Coal transport
  • Biomass transport
  • Liquefaction plants
  • LNG and LPG carrier

Early Warning and Environmental Assessment

Remote sensing & GIS

Hazard mapping

  • seasonal to interannual weather forecast
  • Disaster risk assessment tools
  • Hazard mapping solutions
  • Flood hazard mapping

Early warning systems

  • Early Warning Systems Communication
  • Community-run early warning systems
  • Climate scenario development
  • Flood forecasting systems
  • Landslide and mudflow warning systems

Monitoring systems

  • Monitoring of invasive species
  • Climate change monitoring
  • Light detection and ranging
  • Water resource assessment
  • Ecosystem monitoring

Improved weather forecasting & hydrometeorological networks

Agriculture and Forestry

Terrestrial ecosystems management

  • Ecological corridors
  • Ecological buffer zones
  • Bushfire reduction and prescribed fire
  • Wetland restoration and rehabilitation
  • Control of sand encroachment
  • Biodiversity management systems
  • Forest fire control

Agro-forestry, Silviculture & Mixed farming

  • Rainguard for rubber trees
  • General agro-forestry - silviculture and mixed farming solutions
  • Agroforestry

Seed, grain & food storage

  • Crop storage
  • Ex situ conservation and seed banks
  • Food banks and distribution of food surplus

Increasing crop resilience and productivity

  • Sustainable fertilizers
  • Terracing
  • Integrated nutrient management
  • Soil moisture monitoring
  • Soilless agriculture
  • Fodder crops
  • Wind breaks
  • Greenhouse crop management
  • Organic agriculture
  • Fertilizer management
  • Fungal symbioses
  • Precision agriculture
  • Biochar technology
  • Pest and insect control
  • Biotechnology for crop adaptation
  • GMO crops
  • Conservation tillage
  • Improved cultivation techniques
  • Crop diversification and new varieties
  • Aeroponic seed production
  • Crop rotation

Livestock management

  • Manure management
  • Selective breeding via controlled mating
  • Methane emission mitigation of ruminants
  • Straw ammoniation and silage
  • Temperature regulation for livestock
  • Enteric fermentation
  • Livestock disease management
  • Grazing land management
  • Fodder banks
  • Climate tolerant livestock
  • Domestic manure
  • Pasture management
  • Livestock feed optimization

Land management training

  • Community-based agricultural extension
  • Forest user groups
  • Farmer field schools


Water efficiency and demand management

  • Water efficiency in industry
  • Leakage management in piped systems
  • Water accounting
  • Irrigation efficiency and information systems
  • Progressive water pricing
  • Water savings requirements in building codes
  • Public water conservation campaigns
  • Water licensing and permits

Adaptation planning

  • Hazard mapping
  • seasonal to interannual weather forecast
  • Disaster risk assessment tools
  • Hazard mapping solutions
  • Flood hazard mapping
  • National plan
  • Technology Needs Assessment
  • National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan
  • National Adaptation Plan
  • National adaptation programs of action
  • Stakeholder consultations
  • Open source climate data and tools
  • Climate change vulnerability assessment
  • Downscaling of climate model projections

Water augmentation (increasing capture and storage of surface run-off)

  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Integration of green spaces in planning
  • Watershed conservation
  • Source water protection


  • Multi-purpose dams
  • Small hydropower
  • Large hydropower
  • Embedding climate variability in hydropower design

Water pollution

  • Point of use water treatment
  • Domestic water treatment & management
  • Wastewater treatment plant
  • Flood-proof sanitary latrines
  • Water Safety Plans

Riverine flood protection

  • River restoration
  • Flow-through dam for flood control
  • Artificial lowering of glacial lakes
  • Re-connecting rivers with floodplains
  • Disaster preparedness plans
  • Accommodation for flooding
  • Sandbags against flooding
  • Flood proof wells
  • Floodplain zoning

Urban storm water management

  • Canals and drainage systems
  • Runoff control structures to temporarily store rainfall
  • Permeable parking lots
  • Drainage gradient
  • Bioswales

Water storage

  • Ponds and tanks
  • Natural wetlands and green infrastructure
  • Water reservoirs
  • Limiting land conversion & deforestation
  • Designing protected areas
  • Soil moisture conservation techniques
  • Indigenous water storage structures

Use of alternative water sources

  • Seawater desalination
  • Interbasin transfers
  • Solar water distillation
  • Water recycling and reclamation
  • Fog harvesting

Integrated planning

  • Basin level planning
  • Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Hydrological modelling
  • Groundwater extraction and monitoring

Limiting nutrient leakage

  • Riparian buffers
  • Land use limitations
  • Designing protected areas
  • Change in land use practices

Water allocation

  • Seasonal water restrictions
  • Basin level modeling for water allocation
  • Water reallocation

Human Health

Emergency medical services

Advanced IT systems in the health sector

  • Disease surveillance systems
  • E-Health

Public health services

  • Education of health personnel
  • Heat wave plans and emergency response

Vaccination programs

Vector-borne diseases

  • Rapid diagnostic tests
  • Malaria protection and prevention programs
  • Long-lasting insecticidal bed nets

Infrastructure and Urban planning

Ground surface material

  • Engineered cementitious composite (ECC)
  • Warm-mix asphalt

Sewerage infrastructure

Land use in human settlements

Grid resiliency

Building design and material

  • Elevated buildings

Urban design and spatial planning

Building construction

Water supply infrastructure

Urban planning

  • Urban infrastructure development
  • General planning solutions

Building codes

Resilient transport systems

  • Resilient railway systems
  • Resilient road systems

Coastal Zones


  • Coastal setbacks
  • Managed realignment


  • Flood and cyclone shelters
  • Flood-proofing
  • Floating houses
  • Management of seagrass beds
  • Floating agricultural systems
  • Groundwater management
  • Flood warning systems
  • Coastal zoning

Integrated coastal zone management

  • Sediment management
  • Restoration and protection of coral reefs
  • Coastal monitoring
  • Ecosystem restoration and conservation plans

Protection (hard engineering)

  • Storm surge barriers and closure dams
  • Breakwaters
  • Jetties
  • Dikes
  • Sea walls
  • Groynes
  • Geosynthetics
  • Coastal infrastructure rehabilitation
  • Revetments
  • Cliff stabilization
  • Land claim
  • Beach nourishment
  • Constructed wetlands
  • Dune construction & stabilization

Marine and Fisheries

Active motion-dampening systems for marine ports

Seaweed farming

Marine protected areas

Fisheries management

Artificial reefs

Aquaculture management



  1. UN Climate Technology Centre & Network Taxonomy