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Company Profile - Winnow

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Winnow is a UK-based technology company focused on reducing food waste in commercial kitchens. Their flagship product, Winnow Vision, is an AI-enabled system designed to help chefs and kitchen staff track and minimize food waste efficiently.


  • Cost Savings: By reducing food waste, Winnow helps businesses save on food costs, which can be significant in high-volume kitchens.
  • Environmental Impact: Lowering food waste contributes to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and conserves natural resources.
  • Operational Efficiency: Real-time data and insights enable kitchens to streamline operations, improve inventory management, and enhance overall efficiency.

Innovative Technology

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  • AI and Machine Learning: The system uses AI to automatically identify and track food waste. Machine learning algorithms improve over time, becoming more accurate in recognizing different types of food waste.
  • Computer Vision: Cameras installed in waste bins capture images of discarded food. The AI then analyzes these images to determine what is being thrown away and in what quantities.
  • Real-Time Data: The system provides immediate feedback and analytics, allowing kitchen staff to make informed decisions on the spot. This real-time data is crucial for identifying trends and areas for improvement.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Winnow's platform offers an intuitive dashboard where users can access detailed reports, track progress, and set waste reduction goals.

Metrics and Impact

  • Global Reach: Winnow's technology is used in over 85 countries, impacting thousands of commercial kitchens worldwide.
  • Waste Reduction: On average, Winnow's clients report a 50% reduction in food waste within the first year of implementation. Here are some numbers to put it in perspective: 50 million meals saved per year, 87,000 tonnes of CO2e prevented per year, and $70 million saved per year.

Cost Savings

Businesses using Winnow have saved millions of dollars by reducing food waste. For example, a large hotel chain reported saving over $1 million annually across multiple properties.

Environmental Metrics

Winnow's impact extends beyond individual kitchens. By reducing food waste, the company has helped prevent millions of meals from going to landfills, contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions.

Client Base

Winnow works with a diverse range of clients, including hotels, restaurants, catering companies, and corporate kitchens. Notable clients include IKEA, Compass Group, and AccorHotels.